Masson signing
Miró signing
Hans Georg Schwarzkopf
The Story
In the 1970’s the art expert Hans Georg Schwarzkopf, being in his early sixties decided to live in the capital of Modern Arts, Paris. But instead of settling down to a contemplative life this move pushed him into the most exiting years of his life. As an art photographer of reputation Schwarzkopf had established excellent connections with leading art galleries in Paris, Zurich, New York and to most influential godfathers of the Paris art scene like Henri Daniel Kahnweiler.
Schwarzkopf realized that the art stamps of Poste Francaise were of outstanding printing standard (TD6 taille douce six couleurs) a quality almost as rich as a colour lithography. He decided to create a unique series of graphic arts – together with all the artists. He succeeded in winning the cooperation of 27 of the artists. They agreed to refine the stamps with their hand signature (see the artwork). World famous painters as Balthus, Masson, Miro, Dali, Buffet and Hartung were among them. Only Dubuffet and Chagall stayed off.
Schwarzkopf gave the last ten years of his life to create this shining jewel in the Modern Art making. Some of the artists even signed their stamps together with another artist and his on the same sheet of Lana Velins.
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